Record a video calling on the Cosmetology Board to Teach Black Hair in Cosmetology Schools

Cosmetology school graduates are woefully unprepared to work on Black hair textures. It is imperative that the National Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC) promotes and supports opportunities for equality, diversity, and inclusion in hair care!

Cosmetology school graduates are woefully unprepared to work on Black hair textures. It is imperative that the National Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC) promotes and supports opportunities for equality, diversity, and inclusion in hair care!

Stories From This Question:

From Jamie

From LouTessie

Note Pad

Jot down some notes here, but avoid reading them word for word.

- State your name.
- Why is this important to you?
- Add an important point.
- Ask your friends to join you.

How To Make Good Videos

Step 1 Record your story

First, plan how you'd like to answer the question. Aim for good light, clean audio, and try to center yourself in the frame. Then, click "Record."