Which of these clips are AI generated? How can you tell? Share your reaction!

Can you tell the difference between video that is AI generated and organic video?

Without safeguards protecting people from misinformation on the internet-- the upcoming Presidential election could hinge on people's ability to tell what is real and what is not… more >

Can you tell the difference between video that is AI generated and organic video?

Without safeguards protecting people from misinformation on the internet-- the upcoming Presidential election could hinge on people's ability to tell what is real and what is not real.

Test your skills here-- react to these clips and tell us which ones are AI generated and how you know!

Note Pad

Jot down some notes here, but avoid reading them word for word.

- Which videos are AI generated?
- How can you tell?

How To Make Good Videos

Step 1 Record your story

First, plan how you'd like to answer the question. Aim for good light, clean audio, and try to center yourself in the frame. Then, click "Record."