A Story from Keyanna
A Story from Keyanna
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A Story from Keyanna
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Tell Corporations: We Don't Need Cop City!Transcript
My name is Kiana. I am a resident of DeKalb County, and I don't want Cops City. Instead of allowing cop City to be built, DeKalb County could be investing in a robust childcare subsidy to help families take care of our youngest learners. In the state of Georgia, the average family pays more for childcare tuition than they will pay for private college tuition. DeKalb County could also invest in ratables and small businesses that will help to mitigate property taxes for its residents. DeKalb County can do so much more than allow Cop City to be built. We need adequate infrastructure in DeKalb County that would make our roads safer to travel. We need sidewalks and curbing so that our neighborhoods are more walkable. We need expanded transportation which has been gutted because of gentrification. We need alternate modes of transportation. We need Marta expansion and so much more to help our residents get around, because we know that transit equity is important for all of our residents. There is so much that DeKalb County could do instead of building Cop City. It's not something that should even be on the table
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Tell Corporations: We Don't Need Cop City!